Expert in revenue growth strategies and Professor at Esade Business School
A leading authority in the field of strategies for creating and maintaining revenue, Marco Bertini is a Professor at Esade, former Visiting Professor at Harvard Business School and Senior Advisor at Globalpraxis. Renowned for his expertise in creating and sharing value with customers, he helps companies capitalize on innovation and competitive advantage to effectively generate revenue and build stronger brands. Bertini has collaborated with organizations such as IBM, AT&T, H&M, Coca-Cola, Procter and Gamble, Fox Networks, Pfizer, Novartis and Boston Consulting Group, where he served as Senior Advisor. Author of numerous articles on strategy, marketing and customer relationships, he is also co-author, together with Oded Koenigsberg, of The Ends Game: How Smart Companies Stop Selling Products and Start Delivering Value.
Strategies for sustainable turnover over time
- A framework for transforming your revenue growth strategy: The importance of having a customer-centric mindset to drive growth
- Selling value to customers: how to capitalize on value creation and stay true to the Brand Promise
- The opportunities of price changes: meeting the challenges of inflation, maintaining competitiveness and improving customer relationships
- Keys to harnessing the power of algorithms and technology effectively and reliably